Chinese ATV Repair Manual Set
HOT SELLER FOR THE 125cc, 110cc, 90cc, 70cc and 50cc Chinese ATVs, Dirt Bikes, and Go-KartsThese specific manuals are for the Honda ATC, TRX, & Fourtrax 70-125 spanning 1970-1987. There is also a Chinese ATV Service manual for 110cc Top Mount starter engines. Also Includes a carburetor rebuild guide for the small 50cc - 110cc carbs. Over 350 pages of info.
IF you own a Chinese ATV this is a great reference manual on the E22 engine design.
Many shop technicians use these manuals.
Good for its technical data on torque settings, clearances, timing marks and more.
Great section on trouble-shooting .
Chapters broken down by:
- Chapter 1. General Information
- Chapter 2. Troubleshooting
- Chapter 3. Lubrication, Maintenance and Tune-Up
- Chapter 4. Engine
- Chapter 5. Clutch and Transmission
- Chapter 6. Fuel and Exhaust Systems
- Chapter 7. Electrical Systems
- Chapter 8. Steering, Suspension and Frame
- Chapter 9. Brakes
5 files